Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hormonal inbalance causes acne and causes of female adult acne

skin and they can break out on the face, neck, and chest or throughout the body. Sometimes, the size of the pimple is so big that it causes severe pain to the affected person. Nodular acne is actually acne vulgaris which has become severe due to the lack of proper, timely treatment. To be on the safer side, natural methods are the best for acne treatment than taking drugs and chemicals which have serious side effects.
For most of us that take pride in the way we look, the thought of suffering with acne or Zits, may at first seem awful. Treatments however, are slowly improving. Research into the causes, and possible treatments, for the condition is ongoing. Gradually more effective topical treatments are being discovered and made available. Although the number of acne skin care products and treatments might at first seem endless, they can actually be categorized into three areas: Preventative medication, treatments that do not require a prescription and prescription only treatments.
The right skin care tips acne prone individuals should follow are those that are essentially written by skin experts who know what kinds of ingredients and components can aggravate or help treat acne. The skin care tips acne sufferers and acne prone persons should heed are those that are given by dermatologists or plastic surgeons who have studied extensively on the subject and are licensed to dispense advice on all types of skin conditions. Of course, there are a few non-professional skin care tips acne prone individuals may try, and these are those tried and tested tips that have been handed down from one acne suffering person to another. These are usually practical advice on skin care, skin cleansing and home made acne recipes that are created out of natural ingredients that are effective in removing excess oils.
tags: amount of water to drink for acne, how to treat acne during pregnancy, how to get rid of acne naturally

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